Frames For Sale

Twinn Kickstand

NOS Twinn kickstand. $25 shipped.


Black Cruiser Frame

Late 70's, early 80's 26 inch frame. The kickstand tube has been hacked off. The seat tube top is rough but saveable. Not a bad start for your custom project! $35 shipped.


24 inch BFG

24" BFG girls balloon frame. Straight, needs paint. Non-kickstand version. Serial number A96766 on the rear fork flange. $20 shipped.


26 inch Girls Ballooner

26" girls ballooner frame. Serial number D21285 under the crank. Buy this one and the one below and I will give you a discount. Email me for details. Build a His and Hers for you and the wife! $40 shipped.


26 inch DX

26" Mens DX frame. Serial number H46231 under the crank. The kickstand tube has some damage that is repairable, or find another frame for a donor tube. $40 shipped.


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